The best for those who require the best.
FM Acoustics has quietly become a synonym for the absolute best. World-renowned artists, producers, engineers, studios, concert halls, collectors and private music enthusiasts praise FM Acoustics’ products as the ultimate reference for recording, monitoring, mastering and music enjoyment at home. Countless letters of appreciation and personal statements continue to motivate FM Acoustics in their quest for accuracy.
This achievement often requires “swimming against the stream” of current fashion, but it allows FM Acoustics to create products that are free of compromises, products of value that further the cause of accurate music recording and reproduction.
Experience the Difference
By remaining completely independent, funding its own R&D, going a different path and staying faithful to its philosophy, FM Acoustics can create superior products free of obsolescence, musically correct and accurate units that clearly improve the State of the Art in recording and reproduction; all this while remaining a dedicated, clearly focused and successful family-owned company.