Vertere Stage-1 Reference Isolation Platform 4 Tier

Vertere Stage-1 Reference Isolation Platform 4 Tier


Condition: 8/10 Excellent Condition

Description:Vertere STAGE-1 is designed to address the micro movements/vibrations and ‘noises’ that are present in almost any floor. These can be of such low frequency and amplitude that generally go unnoticed. But not without adverse effect on the music played back.


Desmond: +6581218217

Fred +6594241721

1 All items have been cleaned tested to ensure they are operating well before being listed.
2 There is no Warranty for pre-owned items.
3 Potential buyer must test and verify the equipment condition at our stated audition locations.
4 Mode of payment is either through Paynow or Cash only.
5 All transport charges will be borne by the buyer.

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