TW Acustic Raven AC-3 turntable

TW Acustic Raven AC-3 turntable


Condition: 8/10 Excellent Condition

Completle with Platter, accesorries etc. stored in original box.

Description:The Raven AC-3 is, indeed, a marvel of engineering, craftsmanship, and imagination. The gorgeous, unsuspended, seventy-pound plinth, the twenty-two-pound gel-filled platter inlaid with its copper top-plate, the stainless-steel bearing plate and bearing shaft on which the platter spins are all milled by hand to tolerances of less than 1/100th of a millimeter. Other parts—like the bronze armboards and stainless-steel armboard mounts at the corners of the plinth (yes, you can mount up to four tonearms on the Raven AC-3, though the entire ’table must be tweaked at the factory by Woschnick to accommodate the extra weight)—are also handmade to the same extraordinary tolerances. Indeed, there is very little of the Raven AC-3 that Woschnick doesn’t design and build for himself.

Review: https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/tw-acustic-raven-ac-3-turntable/


Desmond: +6581218217

Fred +6594241721

Location: Absolute Sound Singapore

190, Clemenceau Avenue, 04-24, S239924

1 All items have been cleaned tested to ensure they are operating well before being listed.
2 There is no Warranty for pre-owned items.
3 Potential buyer must test and verify the equipment condition at our stated audition locations.
4 Mode of payment is either through Paynow or Cash only.
5 All transport charges will be borne by the buyer.

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